Grace Baptist Bible Institute - Bible School
During the month of May we finished up our second module on Bible Doctrine. It was a challenging yet edifying study for the students and myself. We covered in depth topics such as soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology.
In June I began teaching on the book of Matthew. One of our translation projects over the past couple of months was a study guide on the Book of Matthew. It is proving to be a good outline for me to use in class and something that has given the students some direction in their afternoon studies in the scriptures. The translation work on this particular book has taken over six months and has been a labor of love among a team of three different translators and editors. Translation work is not for the faint of heart but we are certainly grateful for all the time and energy these guys have put into completing books that will help guide Thai Christians as they study scripture now and for many generations to come.
Church and GBBI Property
Last month I reported that we were unsure about the longevity of our current rental property. It appears our concern was warranted and we will need to find another place to live and also a place to continue the Bible School. We have started searching for another property and trust the Lord will lead us to the right place at the right time. We have a few months to find something so we aren’t in a hurry. Please be in prayer that the Lord would help us find a space that will hold our family, the students, a place for church and also an area for classrooms for the Bible School. This won’t be an easy search but we know the Lord will provide in His timing.
Grace Bannasan - Printing Ministry
No major updates this month regarding the printing ministry here in Chiang Mai. As I stated above, we did just finish the translation of “Matthew: The Coming of the King” which I am using in my current class with the students here at GBBI. We printed enough for our students to use in class and hope to print them in bulk as funds allow so that other Bible schools, churches, and missionaries here can use them as well.
In addition to this book, I am also having John, from the same series by John MacArthur, translated to use for another class. This series was chosen because it provides an excellent outline and good questions for the scriptures as we study the books exegetically in class.
Family Update
It’s been three years since we have seen family and friends back in the States and we are excited to announce that we will be making a quick trip during parts of July and August to visit! As much as I would love to stop and see every one of our supporting churches it just won’t be possible this trip. I am taking a short break from teaching here at the Bible School while our children are on summer break and our main goal while we are in the states will be spend time with family. However, we will be making it to see a few of you as we are able and we look forward to familiar faces and sweet fellowship! When I am in your area I pray we can connect for coffee or dinner as we are traveling through. Please pray for our kids as they finish up their summer school courses before we leave and for our family as we prepare to travel in a couple of weeks.
As always, we thank each and every one of you for your prayers and on-going support for the work here in Thailand!
For HIS Glory,